We are always seeking to recruit highly motivated individuals who are interested in joining our team. Whether you are a student or postdoctoral research associate interested in joining our team, please send your application materials including your CV with a list of references and cover letter describing your background and interests to: peterhchi@gmail.com
我們一直在尋求及招募對科研充滿熱誠的人。若你對我們的研究感興趣,且科學研究也是你未來規畫可能的方向,無論你是大學生、碩士生,或應徵研究助理及博士後研究員,我們都歡迎,並請將你的申請資料(包括你的簡歷、動機、及未來規畫)寄至: peterhchi@gmail.com
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road
Taipei 10617, Taiwan